
Effective keywords are pivotal to campaign success. If your keywords are flagged as "blocked" or restricted, this guide will help you understand why and provide solutions.

Why Are Some Keywords Blocked?

Keywords may be blocked due to advertising policies designed to ensure promotions comply with legal, sensitivity, and user experience standards. Keywords related to financial services, regulated substances, sensitive topics, personal services, weapons, and health and medicines are commonly restricted. For instance:

  • Financial Services: "loan," "payday loans," "bitcoin"
  • Regulated Substances: "cannabis," "CBD," "vaping"
  • Sensitive Topics: "abortion," "adult content"
  • Personal Services: "tarot," "psychic readings"
  • Weapons and Health: "guns," "steroids," "weight loss drugs"

Our Platform's Role

As a service leveraging Google Ads for campaign promotions, we are required to comply with these external guidelines. While we understand the importance of these keywords to your marketing strategies, our commitment to adhering to these policies ensures a safe and reliable environment for all users.

How You Can Adapt

Explore Alternative Keywords: Search for terms related to your video that do not violate restrictions. Our support team can assist in finding suitable alternatives.

Tips for Finding Keywords and Phrases

Need more keyword ideas? Use YouTube and Google Search auto-suggest to uncover what users are actively searching for. Type in your video's main topic and note the suggestions that appear.

Related: How to choose keywords/phrases to target


Understanding keyword restrictions is essential for a successful campaign. Stay informed, utilize alternatives, and prioritize content quality to effectively engage your audience.

Further Assistance

If you have more questions or need personalized assistance, please contact our support team.