How Long Does a Sprizzy Campaign Last?

When you set up a campaign on Sprizzy, you pick how long you want it to run. But sometimes, it might go on a bit longer than you planned.

Choosing an End Date

When you pick an end date for your campaign, it's like setting a goal. But remember, it's not set in stone. Your campaign might last longer, especially if it's not getting as many views as expected.

Why It Might Last Longer

A few reasons your campaign might go past your end date include:

  • Size of Your Audience: A smaller group of people seeing your ad can mean your money gets spent more slowly.
  • How Much People Like Your Ad: If fewer people are clicking on or watching your ad, it will use up your budget slower.

When Does a Campaign Really End?

Your campaign ends when you've spent all the money you put into it, not necessarily when you reach your chosen end date. So, if there's still money left, your ad will keep running.

Need Help?

Got questions? Need some help with your campaign? Our support team is ready to assist you.

We hope this makes it easier to understand how long your Sprizzy campaign can last. Remember, you're in control, and we're here to help!