In short, no, Sprizzy does not count or charge you for any views that do not originate from your Sprizzy campaign.

Understanding Your Campaign's Views and Charges

When you launch a campaign with Sprizzy, our goal is to ensure transparency and accuracy in how your views are counted and what you're charged for. Here's what you need to know:

  • Direct from Google Ads: The "Video Views column in your campaign dashboard represent the views that your Sprizzy campaign directly generates. These view counts are imported directly from Google Ads, ensuring that what you see is precisely what you get—and what you're charged for. Please note that this value is labeled as "YouTube Ad Views" within your "Reports" section.
  • Organic and External Views: We understand the value of all your video's views, whether they're from Sprizzy campaigns or other sources. That's why we want to reassure you that Sprizzy does not count or charge you for any views that do not originate from your Sprizzy campaign. This includes organic views your video might receive or views from promotions through other channels, including other Google Ads accounts.
  • Repeat Views and Engagement: If a viewer, initially reached through a Sprizzy promotion, decides to watch your video again—or any other video on your channel—these additional views are not counted towards your campaign charges. They are entirely free to you. This policy also extends to engagement actions, such as likes, comments, and new subscribers gained from these views. We see this as a bonus to your campaign's success, at no extra cost to you.

Verifying Your Views

To ensure confidence in your Sprizzy campaign's performance, you might be interested in verifying where your views are coming from. For detailed steps on how to check and confirm that your views are correctly attributed to your Sprizzy campaign, please refer to our guide: How do I verify I received my views from Sprizzy?

By following this guide, you'll be equipped with the knowledge to understand your campaign analytics better and appreciate the value Sprizzy adds to your video promotions.